As a "cyclist", I'm many things depending on who you ask (or who volunteers their opinion). Most commonly, I'm probably annoying. I'm in your way, riding too slowly, and should be on the sidewalk (despite what the law and safety data show). I'm also arrogant, elitist, poor, rich, white, minority, too fast, too slow, an environmentalist, definitely a scofflaw who runs stop signs and red lights with impudence, a target, stupid, entitled, and any number of other things.
In a way, you're right. Cyclists are all of those things and none of those things. There are arrogant cyclists, poor cyclists, rich cyclists, elitist cyclists, dangerous cyclists, slow cyclists, and fast cyclists. The point is, I am not every cyclist and every cyclist is not me. Chris Bucchere killed Sutchi Hui - I didn't. I've never even come close to hitting a person and ride with great care around others and most cyclists I observe act the same way. Can you say the same? Do you speed or text while driving? I encourage you to really think through your own behavior before admonishing others and painting us all with the same brush.
What am I really? I'm a person, just like you. I have just chosen to get around by a different means most of the time. I still deserve to get where I'm going safely. Believing that my life is more important than a couple seconds of your time to slow down and pass at a safe distance and speed doesn't make me elitist or entitled, it means I'm human. If you're so selfish to believe your few seconds are more precious than my safety, you're not human - you're awful and need to re-evaluate your priorities.